Who's this girl?

I was born as Carlota Fernández de Villavicencio, and I still go by that name. I started my life in Madrid, Spain, nearly a quarter century ago.
I spent most of my early years making paper things such as
dollhouses or fish tanks, looking for places to climb and hiding the last cookies so my siblings could not find them. I then moved to making fashion patterns during my Fashion Design Career at IED Madrid, looking for inspiration to
design new things and having drinks with my siblings on a Friday night (after I ate the last cookies that I keep hiding in my secret spot).
These days, I'm all about bridging gaps. I found myself finishing Fashion Desing with a huge desire of sending all that knowledge to the digital experience, ending up doing a bootcamp in UX/UI Design at Ironhack Madrid. Now, I'm looking foward to apply my skills to many cross-functional teams and organizations with a problem solving attitude, many challenges,responsabilities and, of course, a honest and respectful culture!
When I'm not bridging the gap between the human and digital experience; I'm searching for new music (as a music lover), traveling, reading, painting or going on really long walks at the countryside.
Currently available for new proposals!
Music I really love
Mumford and Sons
Jack and the Weatherman
Dire Straits
Charlie Cunningham